The beautiful man

The beautiful man

Saturday 22 September 2012

Research Dissemination

As part of my HE work we have to undertake research work. So back to work and the second week I had to present my research practice along with several other tutors to our peer group. No pressure.

One of those late nighters later - I didn't fall flat on my face and my USB stick had saved the images in the right format. The presentation seemed to go well and it has given me the confidence to apply to present at more academic conferences and appreciate that the work I have done has value and relevance.

J Smith Esquire - Illuminated from Hot Heads Exhibition, Hat Works.

Back to Work

The shift from en vacance to day to day travail is often a tricky one......

From this:

to the M62 mmm.

But the key is looking for those bits of positivity.

fabulous Yorkshire skies.